Jesus comes to Washington DC

In case you missed it, Jesus stopped by Washington DC.
Hmmm. That's odd, I can't seem to locate President Obama.

The Jesus Coin

Here's the perfect stocking stuffer for that true believer in the American Jesus.
Only $39.95, limit 5 per customer.

no consultation?

This drives lawyers crazy!

right good -- left bad

unGodly public opinion

This is especially true in places like Oklahoma, Kansas and Utah.

prayer in school

If only this would put an end to the matter.

rope a dope

If I am at the end of my rope, then the pressure around my neck may make it a little difficult to look up. Perhaps "grab a knife and cut yourself loose" may be a better option?

resistance is futile

I suppose the only thing I can do, then is to sit back and try to enjoy it.

no noise is good noise

Unfortunately for many of us, the American Jesus seems to have employed lighthouses as well as some very annoying and out of tune foghorns.

it's hella hot

Perhaps a service at the Ephesus F.W.B. Church is as close to hell as we would ever want to be.

time to get baked?

Wow -- The American Jesus has a great sense of humor, but the metaphorical possibilities of this sign leads us to getting baked, to Hansel and Gretel, to the holocaust. That can't be a good thing.

a world without crosses?

I suppose as long as there are plenty of crosses around, the apocalypse will have to wait. Bummer.

Where's the peace?

I would like to find this lost book of God -- surely peace is something in great demand. Perhaps Tolstoy plagiarized half of his famous book?

salvation & death

Let me get this straight -- I can keep living as long as I am not saved, right?

in Cod we trust

That Cod is pretty smart -- especially for a fish.

something's different

Funny, but ever since that church service my wallet seems a lot thinner.

the pharmaceutical Jesus

Yo shepherd -- can you hook a brother up with some of that ambien? . . . No, I can't afford health insurance so I'll need to pay you in cash. Thanks, dude.

full visitation

Divorce in America can be messy. Fortunately, the American Jesus has a team of kick ass lawyers.